Attenuate (verb): to weaken or reduce in force or intensity - कमज़ोर करना
Synonyms: weaken, diminish
Antonyms: strengthen, amplify
Intact (adjective): not damaged or broken; complete - अखंड
Synonyms: unbroken, whole
Antonyms: damaged, incomplete
Reek (verb): to give off a strong, unpleasant smell - दुर्गंध फैलाना
Synonyms: stink, smell
Antonyms: fragrance, freshness
Ableism (noun): discrimination against people with disabilities - विकलांगता भेदभाव
Synonyms: discrimination, prejudice
Antonyms: inclusivity, acceptance
Sceptic (noun): a person who doubts or questions accepted beliefs - संदेहवादी
Synonyms: doubter, cynic
Antonyms: believer, optimist
Debunk (verb): to expose the falseness of a claim or idea - मिथ्याकरण करना
Synonyms: expose, disprove
Antonyms: confirm, validate
Mammoth (adjective): extremely large or huge in size or importance - विशाल
Synonyms: gigantic, enormous
Antonyms: tiny, minuscule
Impediment (noun): something that slows or blocks progress - बाधा
Synonyms: obstacle, hindrance
Antonyms: aid, assistance
Astute (adjective): having sharp judgment and keen insight - चतुर
Synonyms: shrewd, perceptive
Antonyms: foolish, naive
Castigate (verb): to criticize or punish someone severely - कड़ी आलोचना करना
Synonyms: reprimand, chastise
Antonyms: praise, commend
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Respite (noun): a short period of rest or relief from something difficult - विराम
Synonyms: break, pause
Antonyms: continuation, persistence
Berate (verb): to scold or criticize someone angrily - डांटना
Synonyms: rebuke, scold
Antonyms: compliment, applaud
Staple (noun/adjective): a basic or essential part of something - मुख्य / अनिवार्य
Synonyms: essential, necessity
Antonyms: luxury, nonessential
Mayhem (noun): violent chaos or disorder - हंगामा / अफरातफरी
Synonyms: chaos, destruction
Antonyms: peace, order
Umpteen (adjective): a very large but indefinite number - असंख्य
Synonyms: countless, numerous
Antonyms: few, limited
Nosey (adjective): too interested in other people's affairs; prying - ज़रूरत से ज्यादा जिज्ञासु
Synonyms: inquisitive, meddlesome
Antonyms: reserved, discreet
Spat (noun): a short, petty argument or fight - झगड़ा
Synonyms: quarrel, dispute
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Unsavoury (adjective): unpleasant, morally offensive, or distasteful - अप्रिय
Synonyms: distasteful, offensive
Antonyms: pleasant, agreeable
Shun (verb): to deliberately avoid or stay away from - बचना
Synonyms: avoid, eschew
Antonyms: embrace, accept
Unabated (adjective): continuing without any reduction in intensity - लगातार
Synonyms: relentless, persistent
Antonyms: diminished, weakened
Abeyance (noun): a state of temporary suspension or inactivity - निलंबन
Synonyms: suspension, dormancy
Antonyms: continuation, operation
Gregarious (adjective): sociable and enjoying company - सामाजिक
Synonyms: outgoing, friendly
Antonyms: introverted, reserved
Hapless (adjective): unfortunate or unlucky - दुर्भाग्यशाली
Synonyms: unlucky, ill-fated
Antonyms: fortunate, lucky
Inevitable (adjective): certain to happen; unavoidable - निश्चित
Synonyms: unavoidable, certain
Antonyms: preventable, uncertain
Jovial (adjective): cheerful and friendly - हंसमुख
Synonyms: cheerful, merry
Antonyms: gloomy, sullen
Resilient (adjective): able to recover quickly from difficulties - पुनः स्थिर होने योग्य
Synonyms: tough, adaptable
Antonyms: fragile, weak
Docile (adjective): easily controlled or taught; submissive - आज्ञाकारी / विनम्र
Synonyms: obedient, compliant
Antonyms: stubborn, defiant
Enigma (noun): something mysterious or difficult to understand - पहेली / रहस्य
Synonyms: mystery, puzzle
Antonyms: clarity, solution
Affluent (adjective): having a lot of money or wealth - समृद्ध / धनवान
Synonyms: wealthy, prosperous
Antonyms: poor, impoverished
Pragmatic (adjective): dealing with things practically rather than theoretically
Synonyms: practical, realistic
Antonyms: idealistic, impractical
Ornate (adjective): highly decorated or elaborately designed - अलंकृत
Synonyms: elaborate, decorative
Antonyms: plain, simple
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Tenacious (adjective): holding firmly onto something; determined - दृढ़ / अटल
Synonyms: persistent, resolute
Antonyms: weak, irresolute
Obnoxious (adjective): extremely unpleasant or annoying - असहनीय / अप्रिय
Synonyms: offensive, irritating
Antonyms: pleasant, agreeable
Dubious (adjective): doubtful or uncertain; suspicious - संदिग्ध
Synonyms: questionable, uncertain
Antonyms: certain, reliable
Despicable (adjective): deserving hatred or contempt - घृणास्पद / नीच
Synonyms: vile, shameful
Antonyms: admirable, honorable
Frugal (adjective): careful with money and resources; economical - किफायती
Synonyms: thrifty, economical
Antonyms: extravagant, lavish
Ambiguous (adjective): having multiple meanings; unclear - अस्पष्ट
Synonyms: vague, unclear
Antonyms: clear, definite
Exult (verb): to feel or show great happiness or joy - आनंदित होना / उल्लासित होना
Synonyms: rejoice, celebrate
Antonyms: grieve, lament
Excessive (adjective): more than necessary or reasonable - अत्यधिक / ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा
Synonyms: extreme, extravagant
Antonyms: moderate, minimal
Obscure (adjective): not well known or difficult to understand - अस्पष्ट / अज्ञात
Synonyms: unclear, hidden
Antonyms: clear, obvious
Hostile (adjective): unfriendly or aggressive in nature - शत्रुतापूर्ण / विरोधी
Synonyms: antagonistic, aggressive
Antonyms: friendly, supportive
Gloomy (adjective): dark, depressing, or sad - उदास / अंधकारमय
Synonyms: dreary, dismal
Antonyms: cheerful, bright
Pleasant (adjective): giving a sense of happiness or enjoyment - सुखद / मनभावन
Synonyms: delightful, enjoyable
Antonyms: unpleasant, irritating
Sluggish (adjective): slow-moving or lacking energy - सुस्त / मंद
Synonyms: lethargic, slow
Antonyms: energetic, active
Ambidextrous (adjective): able to use both hands equally well - दोनों हाथों से समान रूप से कार्य करने में सक्षम
Synonyms: versatile, skillful
Antonyms: clumsy, unskilled
Munificent (adjective): very generous or giving - उदार / दानशील
Synonyms: generous, bountiful
Antonyms: stingy, miserly
Squabble (noun/verb): a petty or minor argument - झगड़ा
Synonyms: argument, dispute
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Narcissistic (adjective): excessively self-admiring or self-centered - अहंकारी
Synonyms: egotistical, self-absorbed
Antonyms: humble, selfless
Lurid (adjective): shockingly vivid, sensational, or gruesome - डरावना
Synonyms: shocking, grotesque
Antonyms: subtle, tasteful
Scuttle (verb): to move quickly with short steps - भागना
Synonyms: scurry, hasten
Antonyms: linger, delay
Peculiar (adjective): strange or unusual - अजीब
Synonyms: odd, bizarre
Antonyms: normal, ordinary
Lush (adjective): rich, abundant, or luxurious - शानदार
Synonyms: lavish, opulent
Antonyms: barren, sparse
Lumber (verb): to move in a slow, heavy, and awkward way - भारीपन के साथ चलना
Synonyms: trudge, plod
Antonyms: glide, sprint
Eulogy (noun): a speech or writing in praise of someone, especially after death - प्रशंसा भाषण
Synonyms: tribute, encomium
Antonyms: criticism, condemnation
Obstinate (adjective): stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion - ज़िद्दी
Synonyms: stubborn, inflexible
Antonyms: flexible, compliant
Pernicious (adjective): causing great harm in a way that is not easily noticed - घातक / विनाशकारी
Synonyms: harmful, destructive
Antonyms: beneficial, harmless
Wrongfooted (adjective): caught by surprise or unprepared - चौंका हुआ
Synonyms: surprised, unprepared
Antonyms: ready, prepared
Foray (noun): a sudden or brief attempt to do something - आक्रमण
Synonyms: raid, venture
Antonyms: retreat, withdrawal
Quintessential (adjective): representing the most perfect or typical example - सर्वोत्कृष्ट / आदर्श
Synonyms: ideal, ultimate
Antonyms: atypical, imperfect
Ubiquitous (adjective): present everywhere at the same time - सर्वव्यापी / हर जगह मौजूद
Synonyms: omnipresent, widespread
Antonyms: rare, scarce
Irk (verb): to annoy or irritate - चिढ़ाना
Synonyms: annoy, vex
Antonyms: please, soothe
Sap (verb): to drain or weaken - थकाना
Synonyms: drain, exhaust
Antonyms: energize, invigorate
Slump (noun/verb): a sudden fall or decline in something - गिरावट
Synonyms: decline, dip
Antonyms: rise, increase
Subdue (verb): to overpower or bring under control - शांत करना
Synonyms: suppress, control
Antonyms: unleash, provoke
Rebound (verb): to bounce back or recover from a setback - वापसी करना
Synonyms: recover, ricochet
Antonyms: collapse, deteriorate
Eloquent (adjective): fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing - प्रभावशाली
Synonyms: articulate, expressive
Antonyms: inarticulate, hesitant
Futile (adjective): incapable of producing results; useless - व्यर्थ
Synonyms: pointless, ineffective
Antonyms: useful, effective
Meticulous (adjective): showing great attention to detail - बहुत सावधान
Synonyms: precise, thorough
Antonyms: careless, sloppy
Penchant (noun): a strong liking or preference for something - झुकाव
Synonyms: inclination, fondness
Antonyms: dislike, aversion
Candid (adjective): truthful and straightforward - स्पष्टवादी
Synonyms: frank, honest
Antonyms: deceptive, insincere
Dauntless (adjective): showing fearlessness and determination - निडर / साहसी
Synonyms: fearless, brave
Antonyms: timid, cowardly
Agonized (adjective): experiencing or expressing severe pain - पीड़ित
Synonyms: distressed, tormented
Antonyms: content, relieved
Gatecrash (verb): to enter an event without an invitation - बिना बुलाए घुसना
Synonyms: intrude, barge in
Antonyms: invite, welcome
Astute (adjective): having sharp judgment and intelligence - चतुर / तेज
Synonyms: shrewd, perceptive
Antonyms: foolish, naive
Belligerent (adjective): hostile and aggressive - लड़ाकू
Synonyms: aggressive, combative
Antonyms: peaceful, friendly
Stern (adjective): very strict and serious in behavior or attitude - सख्त
Synonyms: strict, severe
Antonyms: lenient, gentle
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