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Saturday, October 14, 2023

100 Antonyms and Synonyms for NDA Exam

Vocabulary plays an important role in NDA written exam. Vocabulary asked in NDA are of simple, medium and advanced level in the form of Antonyms and Synonyms. Vocabulary for speaking effective English in the SSB interview or for scoring good marks in English paper of NDA, can be built easily if the meaning of the right word is explained with Hindi meaning along with its antonyms and synonyms.

Most important Antonyms and Synonyms for NDA English paper

So if you are looking for how to prepare important antonyms and synonyms questions expected to be asked in NDA, then look no further, as Military-Choice's mission through this article will be to help you in building a good vocabulary as well as to familiarize with the types of antonyms & synonyms questions that are actually asked in examination so that you can easily solve them in your NDA written exams.


Also Read these Important Idioms and Phrases for NDA Written Exam

  1. Improbable : असंभव
    Meaning: not likely to be true or to happen
    Synonyms: doubtful, uncertain
    Antonyms: probable, certain

  1. Petulant (adjective) : धृष्टतापूर्ण
    Meaning: easily angered or annoyed, esp. in a rude way
    Synonyms: impatient, fractious
    Antonyms: agreeable, patient

  1. Complaisant (adjective) : मेहरबान
    Meaning: willing to satisfy others by being polite and fitting in with their plans
    Synonyms: amiable, polite
    Antonyms: discontented, antagonistic

  1. Relent (verb) : तरस खाना
    Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control)
    Synonyms: concede, give in
    Antonyms: combat, confront

  1. Pogrom (noun) : तबाही
    Meaning: massacre, mass murder.
    Synonyms: holocaust, slaughter
    Antonyms: relief, rescue

  1. Amicable (adjective) : विनम्र
    Meaning: characterized by friendliness and absence of discord
    Synonyms: cordial, civil
    Antonyms: unfriendly, hostile

  1. Purloin (verb) : चुराना
    Meaning: steal (something)
    Synonyms: loot, pilfer
    Antonyms: bestow, contribute

  1. Transient (adjective) : क्षणिक
    Meaning: lasting for only a short time; temporary
    Synonyms: temporary, short- lived
    Antonyms: permanent, forever

  1. Invigorate (verb) : उत्तेजित करना
    Meaning: to give new energy or strength to someone or something
    Synonyms: boost, stimulate
    Antonyms: discourage, dissuade

  1. Egalitarian (noun) : समानाधिकारवादी
    Meaning: one who advocates or practices social equality
    Synonyms: democrat, leveler
    Antonyms: snob, snoot

Top 5 Sets of English Antonyms & Synonyms words for NDA Written Examination here — SET 1, SET 2, SET 3

  1. Purloin (verb) : चुराना
    Meaning: steal (something)
    Synonyms: loot, pilfer
    Antonyms: bestow, contribute

  1. Reprobate (noun) : बदमाश
    Meaning: an unprincipled person
    Synonyms: rogue, scoundrel
    Antonyms: upright, virtuous

  1. Ardent (adjective) : उत्साही
    Meaning: Characterized by strong enthusiasm
    Synonyms: Passionate, enthusiastic
    Antonyms: apathetic, dull

  1. Abominate (verb) : घृणा करना
    Meaning: to hate something very much
    Synonyms: abhor, despise
    Antonyms: admire, approve

  1. Scalding (adjective) : धधकते हुए
    Meaning: If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot
    Synonyms: blazing, blistering
    Antonyms: cold, cool

  1. Breviary (noun) : प्रार्थना-संग्रह
    Meaning: a short statement of the main points
    Synonyms: summary, conspectus, encapsulation, outline
    Antonyms: enlargement, expansion

  1. Stodgy (adjective) : उदासीन
    Meaning: Dull and uninspired; lacking originality or excitement
    Synonyms: uninteresting, dreary
    Antonyms: exciting, creative

  1. Pummel (verb) : कूटना
    Meaning: to defeat someone easily at a sport
    Synonyms: bash, batter
    Antonyms: compliment, fail

  1. Dilatory (adjective) : धीमा
    Meaning: slow to act
    Synonyms: sluggish, slothful
    Antonyms: fast, prompt

  1. Conflate (verb) : मिलाना
    Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one
    Synonyms: amalgamate, converge
    Antonyms: divide, separate

  1. Revulsion (noun) : घृणा
    Meaning: a dislike so strong as to cause stomach upset or queasiness
    Synonyms: aversion, disgust
    Antonyms: fondness, liking

  1. Jeer (noun) : मज़ाक उड़ाना
    Meaning: a rude and mocking remark
    Synonyms: hoot, ridicule
    Antonyms: compliment, praise

  1. Precarious (adjective) : अनिश्चित
    Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain
    Synonyms: unsure, unpredictable
    Antonyms: certain, confirmed

  1. Cramp (verb) - बाधा डालना
    Synonyms: hinder, impede
    Antonyms: facilitate

  1. Impoverish (verb) - शक्तिहीन करना
    Synonyms: weaken, exhaust
    Antonyms: strengthen

  1. Repudiate (verb) - अस्वीकार करना
    Synonyms: renounce, abandon
    Antonyms: embrace

  1. Convalesce (verb) - निरामय होना
    Synonyms: recover, improve
    Antonyms: deteriorate

  1. Blunt (adjective) - स्पष्टवादी
    Synonyms: frank, straight forward
    Antonyms: subtle

  1. Reconcile (verb) - समाधान करना
    Synonyms: reunite, pacify
    Antonyms: estrange

  1. Castigate (verb) - आलोचना करना
    Synonyms: rebuke, admonish
    Antonyms: praise

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  1. Euphoria (noun) - उत्साह
    Synonyms: elation, happiness
    Antonyms: misery

  1. Dismay (noun) - त्रस्त करना
    Synonym: horrify, shock
    Antonym: encourage

  1. Underlie (verb) - नींव रखना
    Synonyms: fundamental, basic
    Antonyms: subordinate

  1. Rectitude (noun) - निष्कपटता
    Synonyms: righteousness, goodness
    Antonyms: infamy

  1. Rife (adjective) - फैला हुआ
    Synonyms: widespread, common
    Antonyms: scarce

  1. Retreat (verb) - पीछे हटना
    Synonyms: withdraw, draw back
    Antonyms: advance

  1. Renege (verb) - छोड़ना
    Synonyms: break, back out
    Antonyms: keep

  1. Sporadic (adjective) - छिटपुट
    Synonyms: infrequent, irregular
    Antonyms: frequent

  1. Provocative (adjective) - उत्तेजक
    Synonyms: annoying, irritating
    Antonyms: soothing

  1. Shrug - उपेक्षा
    Synonyms: dismiss, take no notice of
    Antonyms: heed

  1. Prudence - बुद्धिमानी
    Synonyms: judgement, sagacity
    Antonyms: folly

  1. Efficacious - प्रभावोत्पादक
    Synonyms: successful, effectual
    Antonyms: inefficacious

  1. Flurry (noun) - लहर
    Synonyms: spate, flood
    Antonyms: dearth

  1. Whittle (verb) - काटना
    Synonyms: erode, wearaway
    Antonyms: increase

  1. Trenchant (adjective) - तीव्र
    Synonyms: cutting, pointed
    Antonyms: woolly

  1. Detriment (noun) - हानि
    Synonyms: harm, damage
    Antonyms: benefit

  1. Galvanize - झटका देना
    Synonyms: shock, startle
    Antonyms: demotivate

  1. Accede (verb) - मान लेना
    Synonyms: endorse, accept
    Antonyms: refuse

  1. Burgeon (verb) - प्रसार करना
    Synonyms: swell, expand
    Antonyms: shrink

  1. Chastise - सज़ा देना
    Synonyms: unbraide, berate
    Antonyms: praise

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  1. Overweening (adjective) - आत्माभिमानी
    Synonyms: cocksure, overconfident
    Antonyms: modest

  1. Catastrophe (noun) - तबाही
    Synonyms: calamity, cataclysm
    Antonyms: salvation

  1. Dreadful (adjective) - भयानक
    Synonyms: frightful, horrible
    Antonyms: mild

  1. Proscribe (verb) - बहिष्कार करना
    Synonyms: prohibit, ban
    Antonyms: allow

  1. Menace (verb) - खतरे में डालना
    Synonyms: jeopardize, imperil
    Antonyms: friendly

  1. Impending (adjective) - निकट का
    Synonyms: adjacent, close
    Antonyms: remote

  1. Assuage (verb) - राहत देना
    Synonyms: relieve, easy
    Antonyms: aggravate

  1. Naïve (adjective) - भोला-भाला
    Synonyms: unsophisticated, artless
    Antonyms: sophisticated

  1. Wary (adjective) - सावधान
    Synonyms: careful, cautious
    Antonyms: unwary

  1. Underpin (verb) - बढ़ावा देना
    Synonyms: nurture, encourage
    Antonyms: hinder

  1. Excise - काटना
    Synonyms: strike out, cancel
    Antonyms: add

  1. Palpable - स्पर्शनीय
    Synonyms: visible, noticeable
    Antonyms: intangible

  1. Incursion (noun) - आक्रमण
    Synonyms: attack, assault
    Antonyms: retreat

  1. Extricate (verb) - मुक्त कर देना
    Synonyms: free, release
    Antonyms: entangle

  1. Fiasco (noun) - असफलता
    Synonyms: failure, disaster
    Antonyms: success

  1. Scurry (noun) - हड़बड़ी
    Synonyms: rush, dash
    Antonyms: stroll

  1. Credibility (noun) - विश्वसनीयता
    Synonyms: believability, acceptability
    Antonyms: implausibility

  1. Antipathy (noun) - विरोधभाव
    Synonyms: hostility, animosity
    Antonyms: liking

  1. Interim (adjective) - अंतरिम
    Synonyms: temporary, proterm
    Antonyms: permanent

  1. Flicker (verb) - टिमटिमाना
    Synonyms: glimmer, glint
    Antonyms: burn steadily

  1. Captivate (verb) - मोह लेना
    Synonyms: charm, enchant
    Antonyms: repel

  1. Boast (verb) - डींग मारना
    Synonyms: brag, swagger
    Antonyms: deprecate

  1. Inhibit (verb) - रोकना
    Synonyms: hinder, hamper
    Antonyms: assist

  1. Convalesce (verb) - अच्छा हो जाना
    Synonyms: recover, improve
    Antonyms: deteriorate

  1. Macabre (adjective) - भयंकर
    Synonyms: gruesome, grim
    Antonyms: pleasant

  1. Ostracise (verb) - अलग करना
    Synonyms: exclude, shun
    Antonyms: welcome

  1. Turmoil (noun) - अशांति
    Synonyms: tumult, confusion
    Antonyms: calm

  1. Restitution (noun) - वापसी
    Synonyms: return, restoration
    Antonyms: seizure

  1. Capitulate (verb) - आत्मसमर्पण करना
    Synonyms: surrender, give in
    Antonyms: resist

  1. Requisite (adjective) - आवश्यक
    Synonyms: required, prerequisite
    Antonyms: optional

  1. Haphazard - अनियमित
    Synonyms: unplanned, unsystematic
    Antonyms: systematic

  1. Ingenious (adjective) - आविष्कारशील
    Synonyms: creative, imaginative
    Antonyms: unimaginative

  1. Embark (verb) - प्रारंभ करना
    Synonyms: start, commence
    Antonyms: end

  1. Ferocity (noun) - क्रूरता
    Synonyms: brutality, barbarity
    Antonyms: gentleness

  1. Assent (verb) - सहमत होना
    Synonyms: approve, bless
    Antonyms: refuse

  1. Rugged (adjective) - टिकाऊ
    Synonyms: robust, sturdy
    Antonyms: flimsy

  1. Egregious (adjective) - चौंकानेवाला
    Synonyms: appalling, horrific
    Antonyms: marvelous

  1. Mislay (verb) - गंवाना
    Synonyms: misplace, loose
    Antonyms: find

  1. Defiance (noun) - प्रतिरोध
    Synonyms: opposition, confrontation
    Antonyms: submission

  1. Conciliation (noun) - शांति
    Synonyms: peacemaking, peacebuilding
    Antonyms: provocation

  1. Subdued (adjective) - विषादपूर्ण
    Synonyms: low spirited, downcast
    Antonyms: lively

  1. Trite - घिसे-पिटे
    Meaning: lacking originality or freshness
    Synonyms: vapid, ordinary
    Antonyms: imaginative, fresh

  1. Impeccable - निष्कलंक
    Meaning: free from fault or blame
    Synonyms: faultless, flawless
    Antonyms: imperfect, sinful

  1. Ardent (adjective) : उत्साही
    Meaning: Characterized by strong enthusiasm
    Synonyms: Passionate, enthusiastic
    Antonyms: apathetic, dull

  1. Dissidence (noun) : मतभेद
    Meaning: disagreement over a matter
    Synonyms: contention, discordance
    Antonyms: agreement, approval

  1. Xenophobic (adjective) : अज्ञातजन भीति/ विदेशी द्वेश
    Meaning: having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries
    Synonyms: racist, ethnocentric
    Antonyms: bountiful, lenient

  1. Cloying खुशामदी
    Meaning: disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness, richness, or sentiment
    Synonyms: over the top, honeying
    Antonyms: mild, good

  1. Predicament (noun) : कठिन परिस्थिति
    Meaning: A difficult, unpleasing or embarrassing situation
    Synonyms: circumstances, crisis
    Antonyms: advantage, benefit

  1. Aboriginal  मूल निवासी
    Meaning: inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest
    times or from before the arrival of colonists
    Synonyms: indigenous, naive
    Antonyms: modern, new

  1. Caustic - सख़्त
    Meaning: extremely sarcastic or critical
    Synonyms: mordant, destructive
    Antonyms: safe

Best Resources for Objective English for NDA Exams 📚

Also Read : Top 5 Sets of English Antonyms and Synonyms words for NDA Written Examination here — SET 1, SET 2, SET 3 to fully arm yourself with all the important Vocabulary that might be asked in your next NDA Written Examination.

Best Resources for NDA Written Exam

Want to prepare for the General Ability Test paper in the NDA exam? Click here to read 20 Most Important General Ability Test Topics from which questions are expected this time. Notes on these 20 Expected GAT topics for NDA have been prepared from NCERT Books.