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Saturday, February 22, 2025

100 One Word Substitutes with Hindi Meaning Repeatedly Asked in Various Competitive Exams

A One Word Substitute is a word that replaces a wordy phrase. It simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. This area requires a good vocabulary to solve the questions well. It is asked in various exams like AFCAT, CDS, NDA, CAPF AC and many other competitive written exams like SSC CGL, Bank, Railway etc. Below is the list of very important and most repeatedly asked One Word Substitution.
Most repeated & expected one word substitution example questions for afcat cds nds ssc cgl bank railway
Read these important one word substitute mock examples at least thrice to fully master these words & be able to score good marks in English paper of your next competitive exam.


  1. Heresy (विरुद्ध मत) any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs
  2. Cannibalism (नरमांस-भक्षण) consuming another individual of the same species as food
  3. Alimony (निर्वाह निधि) an obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse after separation or divorce
  4. Axiom (स्वयंसिद्ध) a statement or idea which people accept as being true
  5. Creche (शिशु-गृह) a day care center, where adults take care of children in place of their parents

  1. The branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms - TAXONOMY - वर्गीकरण
  2. Something done, occurring out active during night - NOCTURNAL - रात का
  3. The study of the production and behavior of materials at very low temperatures - CRYOGENY
  4. An abnormal fear of beautiful women - GYNOPHOBIA
  5. Someone who uses the Internet a lot - NETIZEN
  6. Preserving of an animal's body for the purpose of display or study - TAXIDERMY

  1. Someone who specializes in the study of reptiles and amphibians - HERPETOLOGIST
  2. A market structure with a small number of incompetent firm - OLIGOPOLY - अल्पाधिकार
  3. A person skilled in cutting, dressing, and laying stone in buildings - MASON - मकान बनाने वाला
  4. The saying of the same thing twice over in different words - TAUTOLOGY - दोहराना

  1. The state of voluntarily being unmarried usually for religious reasons - CELIBACY - ब्रह्मचर्य
  2. A person or thing that is the centre of attention or admiration - CYNOSURE - आकर्षण-बिंदु
  3. Feeding on fruits - FRUGIVOROUS - फलाहारी
  4. One who is bad in spelling - CACOGRAPHIST
  5. Not able to produce children - STERILE - बाँझ

  1. A job in which someone is paid to do little or no work - SINECURE - चैन की नौकरी
  2. Something that happens for a very short time - EPHEMERAL - अल्पकालिक
  3. A vehicle for conveying the coffin at a funeral - HEARSE - शव वाहन
  4. Facsimile (प्रतिकृति) an exact copy, especially of written or printed material
  5. Using both hands with equal ease - AMBIDEXTROUS - द्विहत्थी

  1. A place where dead bodies are kept before burial - MORTUARY - शवगृह
  2. Impressive knowledge that is learned by studying - ERUDITION
  3. To cause something to fade or disappear - EFFACE - मिटाना
  4. A state of emotional or intellectual separation - ALIENATION - अलगाव
  5. The study of how disease spreads and can be controlled - EPIDEMIOLOGY

  1. Lapidist - a skilled worker who cuts and engraves precious stones
  2. A person or thing that has the same name as another - NAMESAKE - हमनाम
  3. The state of being homesick - NOSTALGIA - घर की याद जो रोग बन जाये
  4. A person who is having no luck - HAPLESS - अभागी
  5. A person tending to talk a great deal - LOQUACIOUS - बातूनी

  1. To find and bring to light by searching - FERRET - खोजना
  2. Study of Moon is called - SELENOLOGY - चंद्रमा के वर्णन की विद्या
  3. Problem solving by trial and error - HEURISTIC - अनुमानी
  4. A person, especially a young one with exceptional abilities - PRODIGY - अद्भुतु
  5. The period between two reigns - INTERREGNUM - दो शासनों के बीच का काल

  1. Something that can be felt or touched - PALPABLE - स्पर्शनीय
  2. Prevalent over a whole country or the world - PANDEMIC - सर्वव्यापी
  3. The art, science, or profession of teaching - PEDAGOGY - शिक्षा शास्त्र
  4. A fear of being in open or public places - AGORAPHOBIA - भीड़ से डर लगना
  5. Very careful about how you do something - FASTIDIOUS

  1. Very willing or too willing to obey someone else - SUBSERVIENT - सहायक
  2. One who lives for more than a hundred years - CENTENARIAN - सौ वर्ष का
  3. Practice of having several husbands - POLYANDRY - बहुपतित्व
  4. Water suitable for drinking - POTABLE - पीने योग्य
  5. An exact copy - FACSIMILE - प्रतिकृति

  1. That which is unlikely to happen - IMPROBABLE - असंभव
  2. Recovering from illness - CONVALESCENT - अच्छा हो जानेवाला
  3. To transfer one's authority to another - DELEGATE - सौंपना
  4. One who loves books - BIBLIOPHILE - पुस्तकों का प्यार करनेवाला
  5. Someone who eats human flesh - CANNIBAL - नरभक्षक

  1. To free someone from all blame - EXONERATE - दोषमुक्त करना
  2. Systematic study of election tends - PSEPHOLOGY
  3. Hater of mankind - MISANTHROPIST - मानवद्वेषी
  4. One who cannot be corrected - INCORRIGIBLE - असंशोधनीय
  5. Having opposing feelings - AMBIVALENT

  1. A thing that is fit to be eaten - EDIBLE - खाने योग्य
  2. Unable to be captured or broken into - IMPREGNABLE - अजेय
  3. One who speaks less - RETICENT - कम बोलने वाला
  4. Murder of human being - HOMICIDE - मानव हत्या
  5. A place for housing aeroplane - HANGAR - विमान घर

  1. One incapable of being tired - INDEFATIGABLE - अथक
  2. A supposed cure for all diseases or problems - PANACEA - राम-बाण
  3. One who believes in fate - FATALIST - भाग्यवादी
  4. Words written on the tomb of a person - EPITAPH - समाधि-लेख
  5. One who can do anything for money - MERCENARY - किराये का

  1. A pardonable offense - VENIAL - क्षम्य
  2. One who does not make mistakes - INFALLIBLE - अचूक
  3. A study of races - ETHNOLOGY - मानव जाति विज्ञान
  4. One who is greedy for money - AVARICIOUS - लालची
  5. A person who knows everything - OMNISCIENT - सर्वज्ञ

  1. One who thinks only of welfare of women - FEMINIST - नारीवादी
  2. A planned route or journey - ITINERARY - यात्रा कार्यक्रम
  3. A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her - CREDULOUS - विश्वासप्रवणता
  4. A person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return - PARASITE - मुफ़्तक़ोर
  5. An office with high salary but no work - SINECURE - चैन की नौकरी

  1. Speech of great importance - MOMENTOUS - सब से अहम
  2. A cinema show which is held in the afternoon - MATINEE
  3. Custom by which all of a family's property goes to the oldest son when the father dies - PRIMOGENITURE - ज्येष्ठाधिकार
  4. A sentence whose meaning is unclear - AMBIGUOUS - अस्पष्ट
  5. A handwriting that cannot be read - ILLEGIBLE - अपठनीय

  1. The belief that good is in everything, including nature - PANTHEISM - देवपूजां
  2. A drug or other substance that induces sleep - SOPORIFIC - निँदासा
  3. A person who is not influenced or affected by something - IMPERVIOUS - प्रबल
  4. Work for which no salary is paid - HONORARY - अवैतनिक
  5. Specially skilled in storytelling - RACONTEUR - बयान करनेवाला

  1. A government by the nobles - ARISTOCRACY - कुलीन लोग
  2. A person who loves everybody - ALTRUIST - परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का
  3. One who eats too much - GLUTTON - खाऊ
  4. A man who helps a stranger or a person in difficulty - SAMARITAN
  5. A man devoid of kind feelings or sympathy - CALLOUS - कठोर

  1. A person who hates women - MISOGYNIST - स्री जाति से द्वेष करनेवाला
  2. An animal that has four feet - QUADRUPED - चौपाया
  3. A person difficult to please - FASTIDIOUS - कठिनता से तृप्त होने वाला
  4. A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases - PANACEA - रामबाण
  5. One who copied from other writer - PLAGIARISM - साहित्यिक चोरी

The above shared one word substitute questions will not only help AFCAT, CDS, NDA, CAPF AC aspirants but also Bank, SSC, Railway and other Government jobs written examination aspirants.

Read important NCERT notes here to understand & learn AFCAT CDS NDA GK/GS in a very easy language. If you want to score some extra marks in English section then read important idioms & phrases with hindi meaning & example here, and important one word substitute with Hindi meaning here. Important current affairs study material for defence exams can be accessed here.