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The Hindu Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms & Antonyms - January, 2024

Read The Hindu Vocab with Hindi meaning on a daily basis which will benefit you in the antonyms and synonyms sections of upcoming examinations like AFCAT CDS NDA CAPF AC Bank SSC Railways etc. Reading these important The Hindu newspapers vocabulary on a daily basis will enhance your vocab power.

The Hindu Vocabulary with Hindi meaning antonyms and Synonyms

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of antonyms and synonyms questions in objective papers of various competitive exams. Here is a list of the most important vocabulary with Hindi meaning from The Hindu Editorial.


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  1. Pernicious (adjective): (हानिकारक) : harmful
    Synonyms: damaging, destructive
    Antonyms: beneficial

  1. Fidgety (adjective): (बेचैन) : restless
    Synonyms: restive, on edge
    Antonyms: calm

  1. Relentless (adjective): (सतत) : persistent
    Synonyms: continuing, constant
    Antonyms: short-lived

  1. Alienate (verb): (बहिष्कार करना) : estrange
    Synonyms: turn away, set apart
    Antonyms: unite

  1. Bedeck (verb) : सजाना
    Meaning: to decorate or cover
    Synonyms: adorn, bedizen
    Antonyms: denude, blemish

  1. Untrammeled (adjective) : बेरोक
    Meaning: not deprived of freedom of action or expression
    Synonyms: unobstructed, unhampered
    Antonyms: limited, restrained

  1. Mote (noun) : कण
    Meaning: a tiny piece of a substance; a speck
    Synonyms: bit, dribble
    Antonyms: lump, abundance

  1. Exigent (adjective) : अत्यावश्यक
    Meaning: pressing; demanding
    Synonyms: urgent, crucial
    Antonyms: unpressured, facile

  1. Environ (verb) : घेरना
    Meaning: surround; enclose
    Synonyms: encircle, envelop
    Antonyms: unbridle, free

  1. Optimism (noun) : आशावाद
    Synonyms: hope, confidence
    Antonyms: pessimism

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  1. Ardent (adj.) उत्साही

Meaning: enthusiastic or passionate

Synonyms: passionate, avid, impassioned

Antonyms: dispassionate, emotionless

  1. Prudence (noun) विवेक

Meaning: the quality of being prudent; cautiousness

Synonyms: judgment, sagacity

Antonyms: carelessness, heedlessness

  1. Apathy - the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about anything

Antonyms: impassive, emotionless

Synonyms: emotion, feeling

  1. Egregious - very noticeable especially for being incorrect or bad

Antonyms: marvelous, inconspicuous

Synonyms: conspicuous, glaring

  1. Infidelity - the act of not being faithful to your wife or husband

Antonyms: fidelity, faithfulness

Synonyms: unfaithful, adultery

  1. Scurry - to run quickly with short steps; to hurry

Antonyms: amble, stroll

Synonyms: scamper, bustle

  1. Inferno - a place or a state that suggests hell

Antonyms: heaven

Synonyms: conflagration, holocaust

  1. Extol - to praise highly

Antonyms: despise, criticize

Synonyms: glorify, magnify

  1. Fledgling (noun) अनुभवहीन मनुष्य

Meaning: a person who is just starting out in a field of activity

Synonyms: learner, student, trainee

Antonyms: expert, master

  1. Effrontery (noun) गुस्ताख़ी

Meaning: insolent or impertinent behavior

Synonyms: impudence, impertinence

Antonyms: civility, courtesy

  1. Penchant (noun) लगन

Meaning: a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something

Synonyms: liking, fondness

Antonyms: dislike, distaste

  1. Fallout (verb) विवाद करना

Meaning: to express different opinions about something often angrily

Synonyms: argue, quarrel

Antonyms: accept, agree

  1. Hogwash (noun) बेतुकी

Meaning: as in nonsense

Synonyms: garbage, rubbish

Antonyms: reasonableness, sense

  1. Utilitarian (adj.) उपयोगी

Meaning: as in useful

Synonyms: useful, beneficial

Antonyms: unsuitable, impractical

  1. Peremptory (adj.) आदेशपूर्ण

Meaning: as in authoritarian

Synonyms: aggressive, commanding

Antonyms: humble, unassuming, indecisive

  1. Animosity (noun) बैर

Meaning: strong hostility

Synonyms: antipathy, hostility

Antonyms: civility, cordiality

  1. Deferral (noun) स्थगन

Meaning: a postponement of an action or event

Synonyms: postponement, delay

Antonyms: promptitude, promptness

  1. Pauper (noun) कंगाल

Meaning: a very poor person

Synonyms: indigent, bankrupt

Antonyms: affluent, billionaire

  1. Smug (adjective) : आत्मसंतुष्ट
    Meaning: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements
    Synonyms: bighead, complacency
    Antonyms: diffidence, bashfulness

  1. Enfeeblement (noun) : दुर्बलीकरण
    Meaning: a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or body
    Synonyms:  decaying, decline
    Antonyms: comeback, improvement

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  1. Nimbly (adjective) : फुर्ती से
    Meaning: having or showing quickness of mind
    Synonyms: alert, bright
    Antonyms: dim-witted, doltish

  1. Denizen (noun) : निवासी
    Meaning: a person, animal, or plant that lives or is found in a particular place
    Synonyms: inhabitant, resident
    Antonyms: emigrant, expatriate

  1. Incertitude (noun) : संदेह
    Meaning: uncertainty; doubt
    Synonyms: confused, suspicious
    Antonyms: assurance, belief

  1. Cognizance (noun) : हस्तक्षेप, संज्ञान
    Meaning: to take notice of and consider something, especially when judging
    Synonyms: awareness, familiarity
    Antonyms: unfamiliar, ignorance

  1. Prevaricating (verb) पूर्ववर्ती

Meaning: speak or act in an evasive way

Synonyms: be evasive, fence

Antonyms: assert, testify

  1. Disburse (verb) चुकाना

Meaning: pay out (money from a fund)

Synonyms: pay out, spend

Antonyms: acquire, earn

  1. Consternation (noun) चिंता

Meaning: feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected

Synonyms: dismay, anxiety

Antonyms: comfort, consolation

  1. Aloof (adj.) अलग

Meaning: not friendly or forthcoming

Synonyms: distant, detached

Antonyms: cordial, friendly

  1. Unprecedented (adj.) अभूतपूर्व

Meaning: never done or known before. (अभूतपूर्व)

Synonyms: unparalleled, unmatched

Antonyms: familiar, conventional

  1. Ostracize (verb) निष्कासित करना

Meaning: exclude (someone) from a society or group

Synonyms: exclude, shun

Antonyms: include, admit, accept

  1. Putative (adj.) ख्यात

Meaning: generally considered or reputed to be

Synonyms: assumed, presumed

Antonyms: real, unlikely

  1. Iffy (adj.) अनिश्चितता

Meaning: full of uncertainty

Synonyms: doubtful, undecided, questionable

Antonyms: sure, convinced

  1. Moiety (noun) आधा भाग

Meaning: each of two parts into which a thing is or can be divided

Synonyms: half, moiety

Antonyms: entirety, whole

  1. Supine (adj.) कमज़ोर

Meaning: lacking the ability or will to act on one’s own

Synonyms: weak, feeble

Antonyms: powerful, puissant

  1. Exculpate (verb) निर्दोष सिद्ध करना

Meaning: show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing

Synonyms: absolve, acquit, clear

Antonyms: accuse, arraign

  1. Foolhardy (adj.) असावधान

Meaning: recklessly bold or rash

Synonyms: reckless, careless, incautious

Antonyms: careful, cautious

  1. Palliate (verb) (कम करना)

Meaning: to make more bearable or less severe

Synonyms: allay, alleviate

Antonyms: aggravate, exacerbate

  1. Hectored (verb) (बदमाशी से बात करना)

Meaning: talk to (someone) in a bullying way

Synonyms: bully, intimidate

Antonyms: comforted, consoled

  1. Indelible (adj.) (अमिट)

Meaning: (of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed

Synonyms: inerasable, ineffaceable

Antonyms: eradicable, erasable

  1. Apocryphal (adj.) (शंकायुक्त)

Meaning: of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true

Synonyms: fictitious, made-up

Antonyms: real, factual

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