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The Hindu Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms & Antonyms - January, 2025

Read The Hindu Vocab with Hindi meaning on a daily basis which will benefit you in the antonyms and synonyms sections of upcoming examinations like AFCAT CDS NDA CAPF AC Bank SSC Railways etc. Reading these important The Hindu newspapers vocabulary on a daily basis will enhance your vocab power.

The Hindu Vocab with Hindi Meaning antonyms and synonyms for AFCAT CDS NDA Exam

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of antonyms and synonyms questions in objective papers of various competitive exams. Here is a list of the most important vocabulary with Hindi meaning from The Hindu Editorial.


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  1. Harness (verb): to control and use something effectively - उपयोग करना

Synonyms: utilize, employ

Antonyms: neglect, waste

  1. Morph (verb): to gradually change into something different - बदल जाना

Synonyms: transform, alter

Antonyms: preserve, remain

  1. Tarnish (verb): to lose luster or damage reputation - कलंकित करना

Synonyms: stain, discolor

Antonyms: polish, enhance

  1. Dispensation (noun): exemption from a rule, or a special arrangement - छूट

Synonyms: exemption, allocation

Antonyms: denial, prohibition

  1. Incumbent (noun/adjective): someone currently in office; necessary as a duty - पदाधिकारी

Synonyms: holder, obligatory

Antonyms: challenger, optional

  1. Hitch (noun/verb): a temporary problem - रुकावट

Synonyms: obstacle, snag

Antonyms: solution, detach

  1. Relent (verb): to become less strict or severe - नरम होना

Synonyms: yield, soften

Antonyms: persist, harden

  1. Assimilate (verb): to fully understand and absorb information or ideas - आत्मसात करना

Synonyms: absorb, integrate

Antonyms: reject, exclude

  1. Rage (noun/verb): intense anger; to act with fury - क्रोध करना

Synonyms: fury, wrath

Antonyms: calmness, peace

  1. Ample (adjective): more than enough or sufficient - पर्याप्त से अधिक

Synonyms: abundant, plentiful

Antonyms: insufficient, scarce

  1. Sack (verb/noun): to dismiss from a job; a large bag - नौकरी से निकालना

Synonyms: dismiss, bag

Antonyms: hire, retain

  1. Accolade (noun): an award or praise for achievement - प्रशंसा या पुरस्कार

Synonyms: honor, recognition

Antonyms: criticism, disapproval

  1. Heap (noun/verb): a large pile of something; to pile up - ढेर/ढेर लगाना

Synonyms: pile, stack

Antonyms: scatter, spread

  1. Trove (noun): a collection of valuable or delightful things - खजाना

Synonyms: treasure, hoard

Antonyms: junk, waste

  1. Amalgamation (noun): the action of combining or uniting - मिश्रण

Synonyms: merger, fusion

Antonyms: separation, division

  1. Ensue (verb): to happen as a result of something - परिणामस्वरूप होना

Synonyms: follow, result

Antonyms: precede, cause

  1. Tussle (noun): a vigorous struggle or fight - झगड़ा

Synonyms: scuffle, brawl

Antonyms: agreement, peace

  1. Ascetics (noun): people who practice self-discipline and abstain from indulgence - तपस्वी

Synonyms: hermits, monks

Antonyms: hedonists, pleasure-seekers

  1. Entail (verb): to involve as a necessary or inevitable part - शामिल करना

Synonyms: involve, require

Antonyms: exclude, eliminate

  1. Teeming (adjective): full of life or activity; overflowing - भरा हुआ

Synonyms: abundant, overflowing

Antonyms: empty, scarce

  1. Curate (verb): to carefully select and organize - व्यवस्थित करना

Synonyms: organize, assemble

Antonyms: scatter, disorganize

  1. Shun (verb): to deliberately avoid someone or something - दूर रहना

Synonyms: avoid, reject

Antonyms: accept, embrace

  1. Mull (verb): to think deeply about something - गहराई से सोचना

Synonyms: ponder, consider

Antonyms: ignore, dismiss

  1. Stumble (verb): to trip or lose balance while walking or speaking - ठोकर खाना

Synonyms: trip, falter

Antonyms: stride, balance

  1. Swindle (verb): to cheat someone out of money or possessions - धोखा देना

Synonyms: defraud, scam

Antonyms: assist, help

  1. Poised (adjective): calm, composed, and ready for action - संतुलित

Synonyms: balanced, composed

Antonyms: clumsy, unprepared

  1. Ostracise (verb): to exclude someone from a group or society - बहिष्कार करना

Synonyms: shun, banish

Antonyms: include, welcome

  1. Grace (noun): simple elegance or courteous behavior - कृपा

Synonyms: elegance, charm

Antonyms: clumsiness, rudeness

  1. Influx (noun): an arrival of large amounts of people or things - आगमन

Synonyms: arrival, inflow

Antonyms: departure, exodus

  1. Unprecedented (adjective): never done or known before - अभूतपूर्व

Synonyms: unique, unparalleled

Antonyms: common, ordinary

  1. Spearhead (verb): to lead or initiate an action or movement - नेतृत्व करना

Synonyms: lead, pioneer

Antonyms: follow, trail

  1. Grim (adjective): very serious, gloomy, or unpleasant - गंभीर/भयानक

Synonyms: bleak, dreadful

Antonyms: cheerful, pleasant

  1. Inquest (noun): an official investigation, especially into a death - जांच

Synonyms: inquiry, investigation

Antonyms: neglect, disregard

  1. Spar (verb): to argue or fight in a friendly manner - बहस करना

Synonyms: argue, bicker

Antonyms: agree, reconcile

  1. Con (verb): to trick or deceive someone - धोखा देना

Synonyms: deceive, swindle

Antonyms: assist, support

  1. Ubiquitous (adjective): present or existing everywhere - सर्वव्यापी

Synonyms: omnipresent, pervasive

Antonyms: rare, uncommon

  1. Ebullient (adjective): full of energy, enthusiasm, or excitement - उत्साही

Synonyms: exuberant, lively

Antonyms: depressed, gloomy

  1. Magnanimous (adjective): generous and forgiving, especially to a rival - उदार

Synonyms: generous, noble

Antonyms: petty, selfish

  1. Austere (adjective): severe or strict in manner or appearance - कठोर

Synonyms: stern, harsh

Antonyms: lenient, indulgent

  1. Headwind (noun): विपरीत हवा

Meaning: a wind blowing in the opposite direction, causing resistance

Synonyms: resistance, opposition

Antonyms: tailwind, support

  1. Dock (verb): कटौती करना

Meaning: to deduct or reduce something

Synonyms: decrease, reduce

Antonyms: add, increase

  1. Rescind (verb): रद्द करना

Meaning: to officially cancel or revoke something

Synonyms: revoke, annul

Antonyms: approve, enforce

  1. Flatter (verb): चापलूसी करना

Meaning: to praise someone too much, often insincerely.

Synonyms: compliment, praise

Antonyms: insult, criticize

  1. Gimmick (noun): चाल

Meaning: a trick or device to attract attention or publicity.

Synonyms: trick, ploy

Antonyms: honesty, reality

  1. Effigy (noun): पुतला

Meaning: a sculpture or model of a person, often made to show anger.

Synonyms: statue, figure

Antonyms: being, entity

  1. Malicious (adjective): द्वेषपूर्ण

Meaning: intending to harm or upset someone

Synonyms: spiteful, harmful

Antonyms: kind, benevolent

  1. Deluge (noun): बाढ़

Meaning: a large amount of water or things happening suddenly.

Synonyms: flood, overflow

Antonyms: drought, scarcity

  1. Redundant (adjective): अनावश्यक

Meaning: not needed or more than necessary.

Synonyms: unnecessary, excessive

Antonyms: essential, necessary

  1. Rattle (verb): खड़खड़ाना

Meaning: to make a series of short, sharp noises.

Synonyms: clatter, jingle

Antonyms: silence, stillness

  1. Conspicuous (adjective): स्पष्ट

Meaning: easily noticeable or attracting attention.

Synonyms: noticeable, obvious

Antonyms: hidden, inconspicuous

  1. Protrude (verb): बाहर निकलना

Meaning: to stick out or extend beyond a surface.

Synonyms: project, extend

Antonyms: retract, recede

  1. Constraint (noun): बाधा

Meaning: something that limits or restricts actions or feelings

Synonyms: restriction, limitation

Antonyms: freedom, liberty

  1. Aplomb (noun): self-confidence or assurance, especially in a demanding situation - आत्मविश्वास

Synonyms: poise, assurance

Antonyms: insecurity, doubt

  1. Quixotic (adjective): exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, or impractical - आदर्शवादी

Synonyms: impractical, romantic

Antonyms: practical, realistic

  1. Cynical (adjective): believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful - तिरस्कारपूर्ण

Synonyms: skeptical, distrustful

Antonyms: optimistic, trusting

  1. Ephemeral (adjective): lasting for a very short time - क्षणिक

Synonyms: fleeting, short-lived

Antonyms: enduring, permanent

  1. Fastidious (adjective): very attentive to detail and accuracy - अत्यधिक सतर्क

Synonyms: meticulous, precise

Antonyms: careless, sloppy

  1. Cacophony (noun): a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds - कर्कश ध्वनि

Synonyms: racket, clamor

Antonyms: silence, harmony

  1. Lethargic (adjective): feeling sluggish, lacking energy or enthusiasm - सुस्त

Synonyms: sluggish, apathetic

Antonyms: energetic, lively

  1. Obfuscate (verb): to confuse or make something unclear - भ्रमित करना

Synonyms: confuse, obscure

Antonyms: clarify, explain

  1. Benevolent (adjective): showing kindness and goodwill - दयालु

Synonyms: kind-hearted, compassionate

Antonyms: malevolent, cruel

  1. Recalcitrant (adjective): stubbornly refusing to obey rules or authority - अवज्ञाकारी

Synonyms: defiant, disobedient

Antonyms: obedient, compliant

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