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The Hindu Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms & Antonyms - February, 2025

Read The Hindu Vocab with Hindi meaning on a daily basis which will benefit you in the antonyms and synonyms sections of upcoming examinations like AFCAT CDS NDA CAPF AC Bank SSC CGL CPO SI etc. Reading these important The Hindu newspapers vocabulary on a daily basis will enhance your vocab power.

The Hindu Vocab today with Hindi meaning

Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of antonyms and synonyms questions in objective papers of various competitive exams. Here is a list of the most important vocabulary with Hindi meaning from The Hindu Editorial.


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  1. Dire (adjective): extremely serious or urgent - भयानक

Synonyms: dreadful, severe

Antonyms: mild, insignificant

  1. Fatigue (noun): extreme tiredness or exhaustion - थकावट

Synonyms: weariness, exhaustion

Antonyms: energy, vitality

  1. Falter (verb): to hesitate or lose strength - हिचकिचाना

Synonyms: waver, stumble

Antonyms: persist, steady

  1. Purge (verb): to remove unwanted elements or cleanse - निकाल देना

Synonyms: cleanse, expel

Antonyms: retain, accumulate

  1. Spur (verb): to encourage or stimulate action - प्रेरित करना

Synonyms: motivate, provoke

Antonyms: discourage, hinder

  1. Mull (verb): to think deeply about something - गहराई से विचार करना

Synonyms: ponder, contemplate

Antonyms: ignore, neglect

  1. Gallivant (verb): to roam around for pleasure or entertainment - मस्ती के लिए घूमना

Synonyms: wander, roam

Antonyms: settle, stay

  1. Boorish (adjective): rude or ill-mannered - अशिष्ट या अभद्र

Synonyms: uncivilized, crude

Antonyms: polite, refined

  1. Guillotine (verb): to cut or end abruptly - अचानक समाप्त करना

Synonyms: behead, decapitate

Antonyms: restore, preserve

  1. Tenable (adjective): capable of being defended or maintained - टिकाऊ

Synonyms: defensible, justifiable

Antonyms: indefensible, weak

  1. Akin (adjective): similar or related in nature - संबंधित

Synonyms: comparable, analogous

Antonyms: different, unrelated

  1. Disgruntle (verb): to make someone unhappy or dissatisfied - असंतुष्ट करना

Synonyms: annoy, irritate

Antonyms: please, satisfy

  1. Sluggish (adjective): slow-moving or lacking energy - सुस्त या धीमा

Synonyms: lethargic, inactive

Antonyms: energetic, lively

  1. Restitute (verb): to restore something to its rightful owner or original state - पुनर्स्थापित करना

Synonyms: restore, compensate

Antonyms: confiscate, deprive

  1. Frantic (adjective): extremely anxious, worried, or rushed - व्याकुल

Synonyms: hysterical, agitated

Antonyms: calm, composed

  1. Exuberant (adjective): full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness - उत्साही

Synonyms: lively, enthusiastic

Antonyms: dull, depressed

  1. Abound (verb): to exist in large numbers or quantities - प्रचुर मात्रा में होना

Synonyms: overflow, teem

Antonyms: lack, scarce

  1. Deference (noun): humble submission and respect - आदर

Synonyms: respect, regard

Antonyms: disrespect, defiance

  1. Pummel (verb): to strike repeatedly, usually with fists - बार-बार प्रहार करना

Synonyms: batter, pound

Antonyms: caress, soothe

  1. Belligerent (adjective): hostile and aggressive - आक्रामक

Synonyms: combative, antagonistic

Antonyms: peaceful, friendly

  1. Bestow (verb): to give something as a gift or honor - प्रदान करना

Synonyms: confer, grant

Antonyms: withhold, deprive

  1. Deceit (noun): the act of lying or tricking someone - छल या धोखा

Synonyms: fraud, deception

Antonyms: honesty, truthfulness

  1. Collusion (noun): secret agreement for a dishonest purpose - मिलीभगत

Synonyms: conspiracy, scheming

Antonyms: honesty, transparency

  1. Slander (noun/verb): false spoken statements that damage someone's reputation - बदनामी करना

Synonyms: defamation, libel

Antonyms: praise, commendation

  1. Purge (verb): to remove unwanted or harmful elements - निकाल देना

Synonyms: cleanse, eliminate

Antonyms: retain, contaminate

  1. Corroborate (verb): to confirm or support with evidence - पुष्टि करना

Synonyms: verify, validate

Antonyms: contradict, disprove

  1. Fizzle (verb): to fail - असफल होना

Synonyms: peter out, dwindle

Antonyms: succeed, thrive

  1. Assuage (verb): to make something less intense or severe - शांत करना

Synonyms: alleviate, soothe

Antonyms: aggravate, intensify

  1. Vagary (noun): an unpredictable or erratic change - विचित्र परिवर्तन

Synonyms: whim, caprice

Antonyms: stability, consistency

  1. Debunk (verb): to expose the falseness of something - भंडाफोड़ करना

Synonyms: expose, disprove

Antonyms: confirm, validate

  1. Lackluster (adjective): lacking energy, or enthusiasm - फीका

Synonyms: dull, uninspiring

Antonyms: vibrant, energetic

  1. Collude (verb): to secretly work together for a deceitful purpose - मिलीभगत करना

Synonyms: conspire, scheme

Antonyms: compete, oppose

  1. Sans (preposition): without something - के बिना

Synonyms: without, lacking

Antonyms: with, including

  1. Befool (verb): to deceive or trick someone - बेवकूफ़ बनाना

Synonyms: deceive, dupe

Antonyms: enlighten, inform

  1. Feud (noun/verb): a prolonged conflict or dispute - झगड़ा या लंबा विवाद

Synonyms: quarrel, rivalry

Antonyms: harmony, agreement

  1. Devout (adjective): deeply religious - श्रद्धालु

Synonyms: pious, dedicated

Antonyms: irreligious, indifferent

  1. Mock (verb): to make fun of someone in a cruel way - मज़ाक उड़ाना

Synonyms: ridicule, deride

Antonyms: respect, praise

  1. Prenup (noun): a legal agreement made before marriage regarding assets - विवाहपूर्व अनुबंध

Synonyms: premarital agreement, contract

Antonyms: postnuptial agreement

  1. Audacity (noun): boldness or daring, often in a disrespectful way - दुस्साहस

Synonyms: nerve, boldness

Antonyms: timidity, fearfulness

  1. Aloof (adjective): not friendly or emotionally distant - अन्यमनस्क

Synonyms: detached, reserved

Antonyms: sociable, approachable

  1. Sanctuary (noun): a safe or holy place - शरण स्थल

Synonyms: refuge, haven

Antonyms: danger, exposure

  1. Ferocity (noun): extreme intensity or fierceness - क्रूरता

Synonyms: savagery, brutality

Antonyms: gentleness, calmness

  1. Upscale (adjective): high-quality or expensive - उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला

Synonyms: luxurious, premium

Antonyms: low-end, cheap

  1. Menace (noun/verb): a threat or danger - खतरा

Synonyms: threat, peril

Antonyms: safety, assurance

  1. Spur (verb/noun): to encourage action; a stimulus - प्रोत्साहित करना

Synonyms: motivate, encourage

Antonyms: hinder, discourage

  1. Inadvertent (adjective): not done intentionally; accidental - अनजाने में हुआ

Synonyms: unintentional, accidental

Antonyms: deliberate, intentional

  1. Cues (noun): signals or hints to guide someone - संकेत

Synonyms: prompts, clues

Antonyms: silence, neglect

  1. Remission (noun): a period of improvement or reduction in the severity of something - राहत

Synonyms: reduction, alleviation

Antonyms: aggravation, worsening

  1. Mockery (noun): teasing or ridicule in a contemptuous manner - उपहास

Synonyms: ridicule, derision

Antonyms: respect, praise

  1. Exuberance (noun): the quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness - जोश और उत्साह

Synonyms: enthusiasm, liveliness

Antonyms: dullness, gloom

  1. Harness (verb): to control and use something effectively - उपयोग करना

Synonyms: utilize, employ

Antonyms: neglect, waste

  1. Morph (verb): to gradually change into something different - बदल जाना

Synonyms: transform, alter

Antonyms: preserve, remain

  1. Tarnish (verb): to lose luster or damage reputation - कलंकित करना

Synonyms: stain, discolor

Antonyms: polish, enhance

  1. Dispensation (noun): exemption from a rule, or a special arrangement - छूट

Synonyms: exemption, allocation

Antonyms: denial, prohibition

  1. Incumbent (noun/adjective): someone currently in office; necessary as a duty - पदाधिकारी

Synonyms: holder, obligatory

Antonyms: challenger, optional

  1. Hitch (noun/verb): a temporary problem - रुकावट

Synonyms: obstacle, snag

Antonyms: solution, detach

  1. Relent (verb): to become less strict or severe - नरम होना

Synonyms: yield, soften

Antonyms: persist, harden

  1. Assimilate (verb): to fully understand and absorb information or ideas - आत्मसात करना

Synonyms: absorb, integrate

Antonyms: reject, exclude

  1. Rage (noun/verb): intense anger; to act with fury - क्रोध करना

Synonyms: fury, wrath

Antonyms: calmness, peace

  1. Ample (adjective): more than enough or sufficient - पर्याप्त से अधिक

Synonyms: abundant, plentiful

Antonyms: insufficient, scarce

  1. Sack (verb/noun): to dismiss from a job; a large bag - नौकरी से निकालना

Synonyms: dismiss, bag

Antonyms: hire, retain

  1. Accolade (noun): an award or praise for achievement - प्रशंसा या पुरस्कार

Synonyms: honor, recognition

Antonyms: criticism, disapproval

  1. Heap (noun/verb): a large pile of something; to pile up - ढेर/ढेर लगाना

Synonyms: pile, stack

Antonyms: scatter, spread

  1. Trove (noun): a collection of valuable or delightful things - खजाना

Synonyms: treasure, hoard

Antonyms: junk, waste

  1. Amalgamation (noun): the action of combining or uniting - मिश्रण

Synonyms: merger, fusion

Antonyms: separation, division

  1. Ensue (verb): to happen as a result of something - परिणामस्वरूप होना

Synonyms: follow, result

Antonyms: precede, cause

  1. Tussle (noun): a vigorous struggle or fight - झगड़ा

Synonyms: scuffle, brawl

Antonyms: agreement, peace

  1. Ascetics (noun): people who practice self-discipline and abstain from indulgence - तपस्वी

Synonyms: hermits, monks

Antonyms: hedonists, pleasure-seekers

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