Most important SSC CGL english vocab with Hindi meaning for CGL Mains Antonyms and Synonyms Questions. These words have been asked in previous years SSC CGL Exams are expected to be repeated again.
Fragile (adjective): easily broken or damaged - नाजुक, कमजोर
Feeble (adjective): lacking strength or energy - कमजोर, दुर्बल
Impediment (noun): something that obstructs or delays progress - बाधा, रुकावट
Poke (verb): to push with a finger or pointed object - चुभाना, ठेस लगाना
Replenish (verb): to fill something up again - फिर से भरना, पुनः पूर्ति करना
Prediction (noun): a statement about what will happen in the future - भविष्यवाणी, पूर्वानुमान
Saucy (adjective): disrespectful in a bold or lively way - चंचल, नटखट
Adhere (verb): to stick to something, like a rule or surface - पालन करना, चिपकना
Pliable (adjective): easily bent or influenced - लचीला, झुकने वाला
Lessen (verb): to reduce or decrease something - कम करना, घटाना
Robust (adjective): strong and healthy - मजबूत, तंदुरुस्त
Lively (adjective): full of energy and enthusiasm - जीवंत, उत्साही
Vigor (noun): physical strength and good health - शक्ति, उत्साह
Humdrum (adjective): lacking excitement; dull - नीरस, उबाऊ
Spacious (adjective): having plenty of room; large - विशाल, जगहदार
Prodded (verb): to poke or encourage someone to take action - उकसाना, चुभोना
Commute (verb): to travel regularly between two places - आना-जाना, यात्रा करना
Glee (noun): great delight or happiness - आनंद, खुशी
Lacuna (noun): an unfilled gap or space - रिक्ति, अंतराल
Delight (noun): a feeling of great joy or pleasure - आनंद, प्रसन्नता
Hiatus (noun): a pause or break in continuity - अवकाश, अंतराल
Cadence (noun): a rhythmic flow of sound or movement - लय, ताल
Languor (noun): a state of tiredness or inactivity - आलस्य, सुस्ती
Apparent (adjective): clearly visible or understood - स्पष्ट, प्रत्यक्ष
Apathy (noun): lack of interest or enthusiasm - उदासीनता, अनिच्छा
Barbaric (adjective): cruel or uncivilized - बर्बर, असभ्य
Resent (verb): to feel bitterness or anger at something - नाराज होना, क्रोध करना
Solemn (adjective): serious and formal - गंभीर, औपचारिक
Clench (verb): to close tightly, especially the hand or teeth - भींचना, जकड़ना
Frivolous (adjective): lacking seriousness or importance - तुच्छ, हल्का
Clasp (verb): to hold tightly or firmly - कसकर पकड़ना, जकड़ना
Connote (verb): to imply or suggest an additional meaning - संकेत करना, व्यंजित करना
Snub (verb): to ignore or treat rudely - अपमान करना, तिरस्कार करना
Discordant (adjective): lacking harmony; conflicting - असंगत, विवादित
Eloquent (adjective): fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing - प्रभावशाली, वाक्पटु
Exonerate (verb): to clear from blame or wrongdoing - दोषमुक्त करना, बरी करना
Sprightly (adjective): lively and full of energy - चंचल, उत्साही
Absolve (verb): to free from guilt or responsibility - दोषमुक्त करना, मुक्त करना
Assimilate (verb): to absorb and integrate into a larger system - समाहित करना, अपनाना
Leverage (noun): the ability to influence or power to achieve something - प्रभाव, लाभ उठाना
Pragmatic (adjective): dealing with things practically and sensibly - व्यावहारिक, तर्कसंगत
Colossal (adjective): extremely large or great - विशालकाय, अत्यंत बड़ा
Rejoinder (noun): a sharp or witty reply - प्रत्युत्तर, जवाब
Flake (noun): a small, thin piece that has broken off - परत, टुकड़ा
Triumph (noun): a great victory or achievement - विजय, सफलता
Endorse (verb): to publicly support or approve something - समर्थन करना, अनुमोदन करना
Endear (verb): to cause someone to be loved or admired - प्रिय बनाना, स्नेह उत्पन्न करना
Contempt (noun): a feeling of disrespect or scorn - तिरस्कार, अवमानना
Censure (verb): to criticize harshly - निंदा करना, फटकारना
Axiom (noun): a self-evident truth or principle - स्वयंसिद्ध सत्य, न्याय
Imbue - to fill positive feelings or inspire (inculcate, instill, inspire)
Graceful - feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received (thankful, appreciative, obliged)
Serpent - a wily, treacherous, or malicious person
Perturbed - worried or troubled
Serenity - the quality of being peaceful and calm
Stout - courageous; brave; undaunted
Frenzy - uncontrolled and excited behavior or emotion
Omit - to not include someone or something
Fury - extreme anger or force
Expunge - to erase, delete, cross out, or destroy
Rage - extreme or violent anger
Ponder - think about something carefully
Brittle - easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail
Exposition - an explanation of something
Frail - weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed
Infirm - not strong physically; weak; feeble
Crumble - to break something into small pieces
Dissuade - to advice someone not to do something
Hassled - to annoy someone, especially by repeatedly asking them something
Poignant - causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness
Fallacy - an idea that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false
Tantamount - equal to something in value, meaning, or effect
Quixotic - having an idea that is admirable but not practical, impractical
Obligation - something you must do
Obscure - not known to many people
Fortuitous - happening by a lucky chance; fortunate
Apparent - clearly visible or understood; obvious
Sinuous - turning while moving
Squawk - make a loud, harsh noise
Abstain - to choose not to do or have something
Revel - to dance, drink, sing, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way
Downcast - sad and upset, low in spirit
Flaw - a defect in physical structure or form
Testify - to make a statement or provide evidence, usually in court
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