Learn Daily Use English words to improve your spoken English skills. These most common English words are explained with their meaning, Antonyms and Synonyms. A synonym is a word that means the same or almost the same as another word whereas an antonym is a word that means the opposite or nearly the opposite of another word. Also Read: Daily Use English Idioms & Phrases with Meaning & Example Sentence
Plausible (adj.) – Appearing reasonable or likely to be true
Synonyms: credible, believable
Antonyms: implausible, unlikely
Innovative (adj.) – Featuring new methods or ideas; creative and original
Synonyms: inventive, groundbreaking
Antonyms: traditional, conventional
Amicable (adj.) – Friendly and agreeable in nature, especially in resolving conflicts
Synonyms: cordial, harmonious
Antonyms: hostile, unfriendly
Magnanimous (adj.) – Generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.
Synonyms: charitable, benevolent
Antonyms: selfish, petty
Tenacious (adj.) – Holding firmly to something; persistent and determined.
Synonyms: resolute, steadfast
Antonyms: weak, yielding
Inevitable (adj.) – Certain to happen; unavoidable.
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain
Ebullient (adj.) – Cheerful, full of energy, and enthusiastic.
Synonyms: exuberant, lively
Antonyms: gloomy, lethargic
Sagacious (adj.) – Having keen mental discernment and good judgment.
Synonyms: wise, insightful
Antonyms: foolish, naive
Meticulous (adj.) – Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
Synonyms: thorough, exact
Antonyms: careless, sloppy
Resilient (adj.) – Able to recover quickly from difficulties or adapt to change.
Synonyms: tough, flexible
Antonyms: fragile, vulnerable
Also Read: Daily Use English Idioms & Phrases with Meaning & Example Sentence
Discover the meanings, synonyms, and antonyms of these most commonly used English words to expand your vocabulary and improve your daily communication skills.