Most Important The Hindu Newspaper Editorial Vocab words for AFCAT 1 2025 with Hindi meaning. These words are new and based on antonyms and synonyms questions asked in AFCAT previous years papers. Also Read: The Hindu Vocab for AFCAT with Hindi Meaning, Antonyms & Synonyms
Vicious (adjective): extremely cruel, violent, or immoral - क्रूर, दुष्ट
Anguish (noun): intense pain or suffering, especially mental distress - पीड़ा
Seared (verb): burned or scorched the surface of something with intense heat - झुलसाना
Forage (verb): to search for food or provisions - भोजन खोजना
Nix (verb): to reject or cancel something - खारिज करना
Ire (noun): intense anger or wrath - गुस्सा
Portend (verb): to be a sign or warning of something bad - संकेत करना
Scorned (verb): treated with contempt or disdain - तिरस्कार करना
Genuflect (verb): to kneel down as a sign of respect or worship - श्रद्धा से झुकना
Foil (verb): to prevent someone or something from succeeding - रोकना
Premeditate (verb): to plan or think about something in advance, especially a crime - पूर्वचिंतन करना
Traverse (verb): to move across or through something - पार करना
Austerity (noun): simplicity in lifestyle, spending, or appearance - सादगी
Snub (verb): to ignore or treat someone rudely or without respect - तिरस्कार करना
Perplex (verb): to confuse or puzzle someone - हैरान करना
Jilted (adjective): rejected or abandoned by a lover - ठुकराया हुआ
Nab (verb): to catch or seize something quickly - पकड़ना
Also Read: Idioms & Phrases for AFCAT 1 2025 Exam
Brawl (noun): a noisy and violent fight - झगड़ा
Repatriate (verb): to send someone back to their own country - स्वदेश भेजना
Curious: eager to know or learn something - जिज्ञासु
Embrace: to hold someone closely with affection - गले लगाना
Sedition (noun): inciting people to rebel against the government - देशद्रोह
Flout (verb): to openly disregard or show disrespect for a law or rule - उल्लंघन करना
Admire: To respect or like someone or something deeply - प्रशंसा करना
Eloquent: Expressing thoughts clearly and effectively through words - प्रभावशाली वक्ता
Resilient: Able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks - लचीला
Oblivious: Not aware of or concerned about surroundings - अनजान
Scrutinize: To examine something very carefully and thoroughly - जांच करना
Vigilant: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or trouble - सतर्क
Fortitude: Strength and courage in facing challenges or pain - धैर्य
Amicable: Friendly and peaceful, especially in difficult situations - सौहार्दपूर्ण
Prudent: Acting wisely, showing good judgment and caution - विवेकपूर्ण
Diligent: Showing steady and careful effort in work or duties - परिश्रमी
Annexe (verb): to add or attach something, especially territory - जोड़ना
Pounce (verb): to suddenly jump or attack something or someone - झपटना
Agitation (noun): the situation in which people protest or argue in public - आंदोलन
Ephemeral: Lasting for a very short time - क्षणभंगुर
Astute: Having sharp judgment and understanding of situations - चतुर
Tenacious: Holding on firmly to ideas or goals - दृढ़
Inevitable: Certain to happen, unavoidable - अनिवार्य
Meticulous: Showing great attention to detail, very precise - सूक्ष्म
Imminent: About to happen, likely to occur soon - आसन्न
Stampede (noun/verb): a sudden, uncontrolled rush of people or animals - भगदड़
Quash (verb): to reject or put an end to something forcefully - रद्द करना
Reiterate (verb): to say something again for emphasis or clarity - दोहराना
Endure (verb): to suffer something difficult or unpleasant - सहना
Virtue (noun): good moral behavior or a quality of doing what is right - नैतिकता
Also Read: Daily Use Idioms & Phrases for AFCAT with Example Sentences
Confiscate (verb): to take something away officially as a penalty - जब्त करना
Solemn (adjective): serious, formal, and without humor - गंभीर
Prefect (noun): a person in charge of a district - प्रमुख
County (noun): a territorial division within a state or country for administrative purposes - ज़िला
Strife (noun): conflict or struggle, usually involving disagreement or fighting - झगड़ा
Hiatus (noun): a pause or break in continuity - अंतराल
Penchant (noun): a strong liking or preference for something - रुचि
Lax (adjective): not strict or careful enough; negligent - लापरवाह
Feral (adjective): wild, untamed - जंगली
Pervade (verb): to spread through and be present everywhere - फैलना
Eulogise (verb): to praise someone or something highly, especially in speech or writing - प्रशंसा करना
Teeming (adjective): full of people, animals, or things; overflowing - भरा हुआ
Courtyard (noun): an open space surrounded by walls, often in a house - आंगन
Remnant (noun): a small remaining part of something - बचा हुआ हिस्सा
Inkling (noun): a slight idea or suspicion about something - आभास
Slew (noun): a large number or quantity of something - बड़ी संख्या
Enmity (noun): a feeling of hostility or hatred toward someone - दुश्मनी
Provocative (adjective): causing anger, strong reactions - भड़काऊ
Lure (verb): to attract someone with the promise of something desirable - फुसलाना
Incriminating (adjective): suggesting that someone is guilty of a crime - दोषी साबित करने वाला
Erudite (adjective): having deep knowledge or learning - विद्वान
Ostentatious (adjective): showing wealth or importance to impress others - आडंबरपूर्ण
Impeccable (adjective): flawless or perfect in every way - निर्दोष
Insipid (adjective): lacking flavor, interest, or excitement - नीरस
Audacious (adjective): willing to take bold risks; daring - साहसी
Stifle (verb): To suppress or stop something from happening or being expressed - रोकना
Acquisition (noun): The act of gaining something like property, skills, or knowledge - अधिग्रहण
Distraught (adjective): deeply upset and anxious - परेशान
Overhaul (verb): to examine and repair something thoroughly - पूरी तरह जांचना और सुधारना
Slump (noun): a sudden fall or decline, especially in value or performance - गिरावट
Congregation (noun): a group of people assembled for religious worship - सभा
Depose (verb): to remove someone from a position of power - हटाना
Signages (noun): signs or symbols used for direction or information - संकेत चिह्न
Tamper (verb): to interfere with something, often causing damage - छेड़छाड़ करना
Septuagenarian (noun): a person who is between 70 and 79 years old - सत्तर वर्षीय व्यक्ति
Woeful (adjective): full of sorrow or misery; very bad - बेहद खराब
Jitter (noun): a feeling of nervousness or anxiety - घबराहट
Spook (verb): to frighten or startle someone - डराना
Voyeur (noun): a person who gets pleasure from secretly observing others - छिपकर देखने वाला
Erratic (adjective): not consistent or regular; unpredictable - अनियमित