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Friday, July 23, 2021

Do You Know These Simple but Amazing Health Facts?

To help you stay on top of your health knowledge and remain physically and mentally fit, Military-Choice has put together the top health related amazing facts & tips that every busy person on this planet can follow. Read these very interesting health facts to remain healthy.

Interesting & Amazing Health Related Facts

  1. Smiling helps reduce the body's response to stress, and lowers heart rate in stressful situations and leads to longevity. It is the best way to immediately uplift your energy. Smiling is directly linked as a way to lower blood pressure.

  1. One smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2000 bars of chocolates.

  1. Most people are inclined to start a conversation with a stranger when the stranger is smiling.

  1. One can identify a smile from a distance of 300 feet.

  1. Studies have found that optimism is beneficial for your overall health, even lowering your risk of dying from heart disease.

  1. Optimists often have lower blood pressure, which reduces the risk of coronary artery disease.

  1. People who are more optimistic also tend to have healthier behaviors — such as diet and exercise — that contribute to longevity.

  1. Learning a new language or playing a musical instrument gives your brain a boost.

  1. Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of depression, especially in women.

  1. Chewing gum makes you more alert, relieves stress and reduces anxiety levels.

  1. Walking outside – or spending time in green space – can reduce negative thoughts and boost self-esteem.

  1. Chocolate is good for your skin; its antioxidants improve blood flow and protect against UV damage.

  1. Hydration is key for a good complexion. Drinking enough water also makes you less prone to wrinkles.

  1. Tea can lower risks of heart attack, certain cancers, type 2 Diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. Just make sure your tea isn’t too sweet!

  1. Eating oatmeal provides a serotonin boost to calm the brain and improve your mood.

  1. The amino acid found in eggs can help improve your reflexes.

  1. Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on the planet.

  1. Walking at a fast pace for three hours or more at least once a week, you can reduce your risk of heart disease by up to 65%.

  1. Sleeping naked can help you burn more calories.

  1. Vitamin D is as important as calcium in determining bone health.

  1. People who run 12-18 miles a week have a stronger immune system and can increase their bone mineral density.

  1. Stretching increases the blood flow to your muscles and helps avoid injuries.

  1. Drinking at least five glasses of water a day can reduce your chances of suffering from a heart attack by 40%.

  1. The spinal disc core is composed of a large volume of water therefore dehydration could lead to back pain.

  1. Kidneys filter your blood up to 300 times a day and need water to function optimally.

  1. Exposure to any form of light suppresses the secretion of melatonin (a hormone that encourages the circadian rhythm), but blue light from your phone is especially powerful.

  1. Massage isn’t just for the muscles. It can help scars fade, and can be more beneficial than lotion or oil.

  1. Cardio exercise before breakfast can burn more fat.

  1. Breathing deeply in moments of stress, or anytime during the day, brings many benefits such as better circulation, decreased anxiety and reduced blood pressure.

  1. The eye muscles are the most active in the body, moving more than 100,000 times a day!