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Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Sant Kabir Das

Sant Kabir Das was a very renowned saint, mystic poet and social reformer of India who lived during the 15th century. He was a proponent of the Bhakti Movement. Best Book for Current Affairs & General Knowledge Preparation

He did not believe in any religious discrimination and readily accepted all the religions. A religious community known as ‘Kabir Panth’ was founded by him and the members of this forum are referred to as ‘Kabir Panthis’.

His early life was in a Muslim family, but he was strongly influenced by his teacher, the Hindu bhakti leader Ramananda, who accepted Kabir as his disciple.

One school within the Bhakti movement was the Nirguni tradition and Sant Kabir was a prominent member of it. In this tradition, God was understood to be a universal and formless being.

Kabir's works were written in the Hindi language which was easy to comprehend.

Kabir Das' writings had a great influence on the Bhakti movement and includes titles like Kabir Granthawali, Anurag Sagar, Bijak, and Sakhi Granth.

His verses are found in Sikhism’s scripture Guru Granth Sahib.

The major part of his work was collected by the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjan Dev.

The hallmark of Sant Kabirdas’ work consists of his two line couplets, popularly known as ‘Kabir Ke Dohe’.

Kabir’s revolt against the caste system also sought to do away with the complex rituals and ceremonies performed by the Brahmins.

He sought to eradicate caste distinctions and attempted to create an egalitarian society.

He, like the other prominent saints of his time, argued that it was only through bhakti, intense love or devotion to God could one attain salvation.

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