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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

36 One Word Substitute for Competitive Exam

One Word Substitution is a very important topic for competitive exams aspirants. Questions ranging between 5 and 10 are asked each year in exams like CDS, NDA, AFCAT, CAPF AC, SSC CGL, SSC CPO and other exams. This article lists down some of the most important one word substitutes that are expected to be asked in the coming CDS NDA AFCAT CAPF AC & SSC written exam. You can also read our 100 Repeatedly Asked One Word Substitution here. These One Word Substitutes are explained with the Hindi meaning of each word.


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  1. Autotomy - the ability of certain animals to release part of the body that has been grasped by an external agent. Ex: lizards that break off the tail when it is seized by a predator

  1. Monocarpic: (of a plant) flowering only once and then dying

  1. Creche: a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day

  1. Diamantaire: a member of a successful diamond-dealing family or group

  1. Sinecure: a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit

  1. Scullery: a small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes and other dirty household work

  1. Realtor: a person who acts as an agent for the sale and purchase of buildings and land

  1. Eternal: that which lasts forever or is never ending

  1. Kastaridaphobia: fear of cockroaches

  1. Quinquennial: lasting for or relating to a period of five years

  1. Demagogue: a political leader, who wins support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people rather than by having good or morally right ideas

  1. Refectory: a room used for communal meals in an educational or religious institution

  1. Gastronomy: the practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food

  1. Proletariat: working class people especially those who do not own any property

  1. Dormitory: a large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution

  1. Nephrology: the branch of medicine that deals with the physiology and diseases of the kidneys

  1. Oviparous: animal that produce eggs rather than live babies

  1. Doppelganger: someone who looks exactly like someone else

  1. Impregnable: unable to be defeated or overcome

  1. Angioplasty: a procedure to restore blood flow through the artery

  1. Cadaver: a dead human body that is used in scientific or medical research, and provide tissue to repair a defect in a living human being

  1. Homonym: each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings

  1. Oligarchy: a small group of people having control of a country or organization

  1. Infodemic - a situation in which a lot of false information is being spread in a way that is harmful

  1. One who is bad in spelling - Cacographist

  1. Ethology: scientific and objective study of animal behaviour 

  1. Regimen: a plan, or course of action such as a diet, exercise or medical treatment

  1. Cartelisation: industry participants coming together to fix pricing of products and services

  1. Exorcism: removing of evil spirits from a person or place

  1. Stiletto: a woman's shoe with a thin, high tapering heel

  1. Primogeniture: the custom by which all of a family's property goes to the oldest son when the father dies

  1. Culling: something picked out and put aside as inferior

  1. Impressive knowledge that is learned by studying - Erudition

  1. Vintner: a person whose job it is to buy and sell wine

  1. Serology: study of blood tests that look for antibodies in your blood

  1. Oncology: the study and treatment of tumours

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Also Read | Most Common & Daily Use Idioms & Phrases In English …

Read important NCERT notes here to understand & learn GK/GS in a very easy language. If you want to score some extra marks in the English section then read important idioms & phrases with hindi meaning & example here, and important one word substitute with Hindi meaning here. Important current affairs study material for AFCAT CDS NDA SSC Written examination can be accessed here